Haley Joel Osment stars as schoolboy whose project sees him trying to change the world by encouraging others to 'pay forward' good deeds.
Duration119 mins
Review by
From a simple social studies project to large movement, a boy named Trevor makes a change for the better in this no-so-great world.
The story begins with a boy in his not-so-great life who believes that the world is terrible. His mom doesn't have a permanent job, his dad... well let's just say he isn't the greatest dad ever. But definitely not the worst there is. Life's not great, and the world isn't doing any good either. That is, until one teacher comes along and gives him the opportunity for change.
I personally love the idea of this film because I, too, believe that there needs to be a change. That if ANYBODY wants change then they should step up and actually DO something about it rather than just promoting the idea of 'a better world'. This movie is a true inspiration.
It's no action-packed film. Not some out of this world sci-fi. Definitely not a supernatural film either. None of these genres that would most-likely appeal to people of this generation apply to this film. This film is none of those things; yet it's extraordinary.