Possibly the greatest war film ever made, this anime is the deeply moving tale of a boy and his sister fighting to survive in World War...
Duration89 mins
Review by
Many people think of anime as nerdy, quirky Japanese TV shows, but the Studio Ghibli film ‘Grave of the Fireflies’ shows that it can be much, much more. ‘Grave of the Fireflies’ is a heart breaking and beautiful film about the effects the atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 had on the people of Japan. The story follows Seita and Setsuko, a brother and sister who lost their mother in the bombings. The two have to struggle through malnutrition, radiation poisoning and homelessness. As you watch the children suffer you ask why – why did anyone make these bombs? Why did anyone think it was ok? The sheer injustice brings tears to your eyes. The whole film is tinged with sadness and hurt and often very hard to watch. By the end, I think everyone in the room was crying.
The animation itself was great, as Studio Ghibli always is. The details weren’t shied away from and it shows what wars do to ordinary people. ‘Grave of Fireflies’ is a film that will leave you as a puddle of tears but should definitely be watched.