Animated version of the classic Christmas tale in which a miserly old man is visited by three ghosts at Christmas, with life changing...
Duration91 mins
Review by
I liked this film because of its animation, you could not really tell if it was played by real people or just a cartoon. I think this is because it draws you into the film so much that you do not notice it! I also noticed that it makes you feel as
if you were Scrooge. I like the message the story gives: Don't be grumpy, or greedy! I think the atmosphere all through the film until the end was a bit spooky. I think the film could be bit better. It could be a little less scary, so it would be suitable for younger children as well as older children, but I also understand that it makes a larger contrast in the mood from the problem to the solution, it creates a better film, too! But of course, finishes with a happy ending, as most stories do.