The Dish(2000)
Uplifiting true story of the group of Australian scientists responsible for mounting the satellite that broadcast the moon landing across the world.
Age group11+ years
Duration97 mins
The dish
The dish (2000) is a very extra-ordinary, not forgetting amusing, film about all the scientific technology when Apollo 11 was launched.
The film is about four men: Cliff, Cameron, Damien and Graeme. They work in the satellite which is in the southern hemisphere of the world (Australia) and the stay in the satellite building when Apollo 11 launched into space. There are a lot of stress and changes in between these 6 days, but it is eventually a happy ending.
This film is based on the true tale of the 6 days before Neil Armstrong walked onto the moon. They have inserted real clips of the actual launch and walking onto the moon. The costume was set in what the fashion was at the time and they had all the typical music (jazzy or group bands). There was a lot of checking and going over to make this film seem as natural as possible. I think that the filming crew did a lot in this film to make it as factual as can be.
I think this film is a must see, but it must be rated a 12 because there is a bit of swearing in the film. Apart from that it should be universal because it is the true story of sciences biggest step in the world of the universe. My favourite parts are the actual clips they still have this day about the journey and step taking.
Print this reviewBased on a novel by a noted astronomer, this film is about a woman who since childhood has been searching out extraterrestrial messages.
Dramatic reconstruction of a NASA rocket mission that dramatically swung from a flight to the moon to a fight for survival.
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A small, rather hopeless looking robot is left alone on Earth to clean up the mess left by humans, in this wonderful Pixar animation.
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Fascinating early slice of science fiction and a founding stone of modern cinema.