Fly Me To The Moon

Fly Me To The Moon
Fly Me To The Moon

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84 minutes






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Ever since the man who is often credited as having helped create cinema, Georges Melies, made the silent movie A Voyage To The Moon back in 1902, film-makers have been fascinated by the subject. But it's a fair bet that none have come up with anything so sweet-natured as Fly Me To The Moon - a animated yarn about a trio of flies who hop a ride into space after watching preparations being made for the launch of Apollo 11, the rocket that took the first astronauts to the moon in 1969. With the three entranced by what they see, by the time the rocket takes off the next day, it has three tiny guests onboard - making sure that when Neil Armstrong and company take their giant leap for mankind on the moon's surface, flykind is represented too!


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