Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
129 minutes
Action and Adventure, Family, Sport
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Bright and colourful movie about a young driver - who is actually called Speed Racer - in a shiny future world. Speed's big brother has died in a crash, leaving Speed as his family team's star driver. Then Speed himself gets a tempting offer from a billionaire. Will he stay true to the family's ideals, or join their evil corporate rivals? The film uses real actors, but the world they live in is entirely computer-animated.
This film has several uses of moderate bad language, moderate fantasy violence and martial arts sequences.
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The final race of the season pits three rival cars against each other: a veteran winner, a regular runner-up, and an arrogant newcomer.
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Action packed Disney animation with a lovable robot and a cool teenage scientist.
Nerve-shredding road movie in which a driver is terrorised by the driver of an oil tanker. This early Spielberg film is a deserved classic.
Tense, high-energy thriller featuring classic car chases about a tough, risk-taking police detective chosen to protect a mafia informant.
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