Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
110 minutes
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Hollywood legend James Cagney became famous in the 1930s playing a series of ruthless gangsters. In this hard-hitting crime drama, made almost 20 years later, he returns to familiar territory in what was possibly the best role of his career. Here, Cagney plays Cody Jarrett - a frustrated and troubled criminal who botches a train robbery with disastrous consequences. Against the odds, he keeps hold of his freedom - but ends up unwittingly introducing an undercover police office to his gang of thugs. A classic from the old days of Hollywood that still has the power to shock.
Visually stunning drama about the complex relationship between legendary western outlaw Jesse James and the star-struck teen following him.
Two iconic actors face off in this tale of an obsessive cop on the trail of a master thief across Los Angeles.
Gripping Hong Kong thriller in which an undercover cop infiltrates a triad gang while at the same time a gangster works his way into a police squad.
Former young hoodlums Rocky and Jerry return to their old stomping grounds as morally-opposed adults in this high-paced gangster thriller.
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