Into Film Clubs
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95 minutes
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Or should that be King Christina? After all, this is the story of the 17th-century Swedish ruler who was raised as a boy and taught to be every bit as tough as her father. She also travelled around her country dressed as a man. This leads to some scenes of confusion between men and women in the movie that were very daring for 1933. Along with the story of Christina's fascinating rule, there is also an epic, old-fashioned love story at the heart of the movie.
Spectacular tale of love and warfare set in ancient China from the director of Hero and House of Flying Daggers
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16th century biographical drama which follows Elizabeth I’s early days on the throne of England as her enemies seek to overthrow the Protestant...
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Romantic comedy about a young woman who disguises herself as a boy and auditions for William Shakespeare, because girls were not allowed on stage.
Spectacular, extravagant epic, with Elizabeth Taylor in a classic role as the legendary queen of ancient Egypt.
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