Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
120 minutes
Comedy, Drama, Family
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Robin Williams plays actor Daniel Hillard, a loving but feckless dad whose wife has decided she's had enough of him and files for divorce. Daniel is heartbroken when she gets custody of the kids but soon hatches a plan - to use all his acting skills to become a sweet-but-firm Scottish woman, Mrs Doubtfire, and secretly become nanny to his own children. Williams successfully channels his trademark comic energy here to create the unflappable Mrs D, funniest when there's a slightly risqué wisecrack sneaking out from "her" oh-so-respectable lips.
This film has a couple of uses of moderate bad language and moderate sex references.
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With a firm hand and a bit of magic, the nanny of the title helps to bring up the seven noisy and messy children of a father whose wife has died.
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Classic film with musical scenes about nanny Mary Poppins, who is full of common sense but friends with talking animals and dancing chimney sweeps.
This powerful drama about a couple's divorce and bitter custody battle over their son won an Oscar for Best Film in 1979.
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