Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
106 minutes
Crime, Thriller
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Hard-hitting detective Mike Hammer takes on thugs and nuclear secrets in this hard-hitting and fast-paced adaptation of a classic crime novel by writer Mickey Spillane. Featuring an unforgettable shock ending, Kiss Me Deadly is widely considered to be among the finest film noirs of all time, a tough and edgy 50s classic that's influenced dozens of great movies since it was first released.
Classic film noir starring Humphrey Bogart as a shabby private detective hired for the seemingly simple task of keeping an eye on a bigwig's daughter.
A private detective believes he is investigating a straight-up adultery case when he stumbles onto something much bigger.
Gripping Hong Kong thriller in which an undercover cop infiltrates a triad gang while at the same time a gangster works his way into a police squad.
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