Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
89 minutes
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An award-winning slice-of-life drama set on some of the meaner streets of west London, Kidulthood pulls no punches in its depiction of alienated youth - and certainly provides fuel for thought regarding the pressures facing today's teens. When a bullied girl takes her own life, her classmates are given the day off school for reflection - but what follows instead is a binge of anti-social and self-destructive behaviour that brings them all to crisis point.
Uplifting comedy-drama about a teenage runaway making his way in London, starring Tom Turgoose and directed by Shane Meadows.
Documentary following the lives of the distinctive character of American high-school teens, a real life 'Breakfast Club'.
Inspired by 1999's real-life Columbine shootings, this unsettling drama is a fictional account of violence in an American high school.
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Fast, frantic film about three friends from the ghettos of the Paris suburbs, where life is portrayed as being violent and unjust.
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