Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
113 minutes
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The much-loved Gene Kelly stars as Jerry Mulligan, an American GI who stays on in Paris after the Second World War to live the bohemian lifestyle of a painter. Director Vincente Minnelli's musical is filled with pure 'joie de vivre' as Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron and the rest of the cast dance their way through various romantic entanglements - with the film's set piece being a 17-minute ballet sequence set to a score by George and Ira Gershwin. The film won six Academy Awards - and Gene Kelly won a Special Oscar on top for Achievement in the Art of Choreography.
Judy Garland stars in this charming musical drama that's also a sharp portrait of family life.
The iconic backstage musical, 42nd Street traces the trials and tribulations of getting a Broadway show ready for opening night.
This visually spectacular, dreamlike film from Powell and Pressburger is one of the great classics of British cinema.
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Widely considered the best musical ever made, this tribute to Hollywood is about an actress who can't sing trying to move into sound films.
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