Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
97 minutes
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Bumbling professor Ned Brainard is so forgetful even his own wedding keeps slipping his mind! He is, however, a dedicated inventor, and when he accidentally discovers how to create "flying rubber" the possibilities for its uses are endless! There's still much to learn about how this bouncy new discovery works though - and the potential to get into all manner of scrapes as a result. The film that inspired '90s remake Flubber, this original version has a sweetness and imagination that are almost irresistible.
Energetic remake of 1961's the Absent Minded Professor in which forgetful inventor Phillip Brainard accidentally creates "flying rubber".
Goofy comedy take on Jekyll and Hyde starring clown prince Jerry Lewis as Julius Kelp, an oddball science teacher who invents a magic potion...
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An unsuccessful inventor rescues an old car which acquires magic properties.
Dr Dolittle has the amazing ability to speak to animals. When he sets off to find a Great Pink Sea Snail he discovers some exotic new animal friends.
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