Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
187 minutes
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In April 1912, the largest and most luxurious passenger ship in history set sail on its first ever voyage from Southampton to New York - only to hit an iceberg just four days later and sink in the frozen waters of the Atlantic. This tragic story is at the centre of Titanic (the name of the ship itself) - and the movie is almost as huge and awe-inspiring as its subject, focusing on an illicit on-board romance between poor stowaway Jack Dawson and the wealthy Rose DeWitt (played by Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet).
Contains strong language, nudity, intense threat and disturbing images.
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One of the most famous love stories ever, set against an American Civil War backdrop, about a romance threatened by violence, famine and fire.
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Loud and colourful adaptation of Shakespeare's classic play about two star-crossed lovers from bitterly feuding families.
This blockbuster action-adventure film follows the tribulations of the Na'vi, an alien race under threat from humans invading their homeworld.
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