Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
81 minutes
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A supposedly meek bank clerk named Henry Holland hatches a grand plan to steal a truckload of gold from the Bank of England's weekly delivery in this classic British comedy caper. A dodgy dealer known as Mr Pendlebury and a couple of crooks join Henry in melting the gold into mini statues of the Eiffel Tower to smuggle out of the country - but when the police rumble the plot, a high speed car chase across London roars into action.
Near-perfect Ealing comedy about the effects of whisky rationing on a far-flung Scottish island.
Five scary stories link together in this chilling British classic from Ealing Studios.
Warm, whimsical British satire which sees a remote village's residents up in arms after being told their train line is being shut down.
A black British comedy about an ambitious young man who embarks on a series of murders to secure a title and a family fortune.
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