Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
95 minutes
French (English subtitles)
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Set in a futuristic Paris, this stunningly designed, blackly comic French film reveals a city in ruins, where food is in short supply and the last taboo - cannibalism - is no longer considered an issue. Louison, a retired clown, takes a room and a job at a lodging house run by the local butcher, unaware that he's being lined up as dish of the day. When he falls in love with the butcher's daughter they decide to join up with the radical underground vegetarian movement - and try to escape in one piece.
This film has a couple of uses of strong bad language and a suicide theme
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New York, 2022. Overcrowding and climate change mean the desperate masses must live on a near-inedible new foodstuff called Soylent.
Sci-fi noir sees a detective land on a strange planet where love and free thought is punishable by death.
Dreamy, surreal fantasy, following a mute strongman's attempts to rescue the city's children from an evil scientist intent on stealing their dreams.
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A heartwarming and charisma-packed story about a young woman who decides her mission in life is to spread happiness.
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