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Lotte Reiniger’s Art

Lotte Reiniger’s Art
Lotte Reiniger’s Art

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17 minutes


Archive Fiction, Archive Non-Fiction, Documentary, Short Films




Lotte Reiniger was a groundbreaking animation artist of the Twentieth century, renowned for her innovative and distinctive style of black-and-white silhouette animation, which she used to bring classic myths and fairy tales to life. Her film The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926) is believed to be the earliest surviving animated feature-length film. This short documentary explores Lotte Reiniger's legacy, featuring a demonstration by Lotte herself on how she cuts out, assembles, and films her silhouette characters. She also shares insights into her technique of using colored gelatins for creating vibrant backgrounds, as seen in Jack and the Beanstalk (1955), part of the Lotte Reiniger: The Fairy Tale Films collection.

Please note that the sound quality of this archive film is variable, but much like Lotte’s non-dialogue stories, the images can speak for themselves!


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