Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
39 minutes
Comedy, Family, Science Fiction and Fantasy
Welsh (English subtitles)
Mae’n Noswyl Nadolig ond dyw Deian a Loli ddim yn teimlo’n nadoligaidd iawn; maen nhw wedi mynd i dy nain a taid i ddathlu eleni, ac felly’n poeni na fydd Siôn Corn yn gwybod ble i fynd. Mae taid yn trio eu diddannu drwy ddangos calendr adfent hen iawn iddyn nhw, un sydd â drws arbennig, rhif 25. Un nad ddylid ei agor tan y diwrnod mawr – dydd Nadolig. Ond, mae Deian a Loli’n penderfynu i agor y drws….ac yn anffodus maen nhw’n clywed fod Ysbryd y Nadolig wedi diflannu – a fydd Nadolig yn cael ei ganslo? Dyma nhw’n mynd ar antur fawr i geisio dod o hyd i Ysbryd y Nadolig, gan gwrdd â chymeriadau diddorol lliwgar… a hyd yn oed rhywun sy’n perthyn i’r Fari Lwyd, sydd a’u bryd ar newid dathliadau Nos Galan!!
It’s Christmas Eve but twins Deain and Loli are not feeling cheerful: they’re at their grandparents’ house, so are worried that because Santa won’t find at their home address, they won’t get any presents. Grandpa shows them his old advent calendar, which has one final door, number 25, that they must wait until tomorrow to open. But the twins secretly open it, causing a magical disruption! They discover that the Christmas Spirit has disappeared - will Christmas be cancelled? They venture into the advent calendar to try and fix things, meeting all sorts of traditional festive characters along the way, including the eerie heiress of the Mari Lwyd, who is determined to make New Year’s Eve the only winter celebration…
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Christmassy animation about a hopeless postal worker who recruits a reclusive toymaker to boost his deliveries, spreading cheer among the townsfolk.
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Ffilm Nadoligaidd gyda’r efeilliaid direidus a bywiog, Deian a Loli.
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Animated comedy in which the village of Whoville look set to have their Christmas ruined for them by the grumpy Grinch.
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Rhaid i’r efeilliaid hudolus, Deian a Loli, ymdopi gyda symud tŷ gan sicrhau hefyd fod y Gaeaf ddim am gau mewn am byth.
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