

Film Details




94 minutes


Comedy, Coming of Age, Drama


English / Mandarin (English subtitles)


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Set in the summer of 2008, this semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story from filmmaker Sean Wang follows 13-year-old Chris, a first generation Taiwanese-American who lives in California with his sister, mother, and grandmother, each of whom he finds annoying in different ways. Chris’ dad works away in Taiwan to make money for the family and his loving but overbearing mother and grandmother mainly speak Mandarin while he and older sister Vivian, who is about to leave for college, converse in English. Finding it difficult to navigate his friendship circles at school and online, and with the complicated new world of social media causing even more trouble, Chris spends a summer figuring out how to flirt, how to skate and how to love his mum. Sweet, charming and funny, Dìdi sheds light on the immigrant family experience through beautifully drawn characters and a smart, detailed script.


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15 Classification

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