Grand Theft Hamlet

Grand Theft Hamlet
Grand Theft Hamlet

Film Details




89 minutes


Action and Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Documentary




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It’s the beginning of 2021 and two out-of-work actors are struggling to find anything to do during the UK’s third pandemic lockdown. With acting jobs few and far between they find themselves spending far too much time playing the video game Grand Theft Auto Online at home. One day, upon discovering an amphitheater within the game, they decide to stage a unique version of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet inside the virtual world they have been spending so much time in. Soon joined by a documentary director/producer, what at first seems like a crazy way to pass the time soon morphs into a full-scale production, filled with casting calls, rehearsals and a lot of highly charged emotion. Taking place entirely on a computer screen, this groundbreaking documentary is a surprisingly poignant look at the power that art has in bringing people together whilst also providing an alternative perspective on one of Shakespeare’s most revered plays.  


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15 Classification

strong language, violence, brief drug references

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