

Film Details




85 minutes


Action and Adventure, Animation, Family, Science Fiction and Fantasy


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In a serene natural environment where the animal kingdom is thriving and the last vestiges of humanity are being consumed by water, a tiny black cat lives alone in a house and spends its time outside foraging for food. When a flash flood hits the forest and Cat is caught in the middle of it, the only option left is to jump into a nearby boat to safety – a boat that is also inhabited by an easy-going capybara. Soon they are joined by an excitable dog, a covetous lemur and a gigantic bird, depending on each other and their specific animal skills to survive the flood and reach safe, dry land. Completely dialogue-free, animated with a brilliantly innovative style and told only through visuals and animal noises, Flow creates an immersive environment that feels fresh and alive.


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U Classification

very mild threat

Find out more on the BBFC website

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