Gladiator II

Gladiator II
Gladiator II

Film Details




148 minutes


Action and Adventure, Period and Historical, War




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This epic, action-first sequel to the iconic Gladiator takes place decades after the death of Maximus from original film, with Rome heading into a new era. The focus now shifts to Maximus’ nephew Lucius, former heir to the Empire, who witnessed his uncle's demise at the hand of the leaders of Rome before being sent to live in relative safety within the African kingdom of Numidia. Despite building a new life with his wife and child, the tyrannical Empire soon descend on this corner of the world too with Lucius taken as prisoner of war and returned to his homeland. Desperate for revenge and with rage in his heart, he must forge an alliance with the devilish emperor Macrinus in his quest to regain his freedom and complete his vengeful mission. Steeped in ancient history and populated by exaggerated versions of real historical characters, one of the world’s most prominent directors returns to familiar ground to tell a story of strength, honour, revenge and glory.


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15 Classification

strong bloody violence, injury detail

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