Godzilla: Minus One

Godzilla: Minus One
Godzilla: Minus One

Film Details




126 minutes


Action and Adventure, Period and Historical, Science Fiction and Fantasy, War


Japanese (English subtitles)


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The year is 1945 and World War II is about to end. Japanese fighter pilot Koichi is ordered to kamikaze the enemy, destroying himself and his plane in the process. Koichi, however, is terrified of dying and fakes a technical malfunction, landing safely on an island instead. Wracked with guilt for not following orders like his fellow soldiers, that night Koichi experiences a terrifying attack from a gigantic monster that emerges from the ocean and is knocked unconcious before he can he can help anyone, waking up as one of the only survivors. Returning to the bombed-out city of Tokyo, Koichi is met with disdain by his countrymen but still attempts to rebuild his life - however the giant monster that he encountered previously returns to wreak havoc on Tokyo. How will the already devestated population fight back against this seemingly unrelenting force of terror? This stylish, thoughtful and suitabily epic Japanese sci-fi drama reimagines the infamous kaiju Godzilla in a new, horrific manner and won the 2024 Academy Award for Best Visual Effects.

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12 Classification

injury detail, threat, violence

Find out more on the BBFC website

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