I Could Never Go Vegan

I Could Never Go Vegan
I Could Never Go Vegan

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12 minutes






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Thomas has never eaten meat in his life. He was brought up in a vegan household, but often gets told by incredulous friends how they could NEVER give up animal products entirely. Whether it’s the assumption that they’d then lack the protein to stay fit and healthy, or skepticism over how much of a difference it would really make in terms of global carbon emissions, Thomas has learnt that people can be pretty committed to their anti-vegan stance. In this documentary, he investigates the most common concerns and misconceptions around veganism and demystifies them with the help of experts and people with first-hand experience. Digging deeper, he uncovers some shocking truths about food-related chronic diseases and the grim conditions of supposedly free-range and organic farms. Accessible and clearly presented, I Could Never Go Vegan is a call for greater awareness on an issue that affects us all.


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12 Classification

upsetting scenes, moderate sex references, bloody images, strong language

Find out more on the BBFC website

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