

Film Details




104 minutes


Coming of Age, Drama, Romance, War


Arabic (English subtitles)


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Zeina is a normal teenage girl whose life has been radically altered since bombs started falling on her home city of Damascus, a consequence of a war she has no involvement in. Charismatic, smart and creative, Zeina shares her crumbling home with her mother, Hala, and her father, Mutaz, who refuses to flee and lead an uncertain life as a refugee. When a hole is blown out of Zeina’s bedroom roof, she connects with a teenage boy, Amer, part of one of the other remaining families in the city, and a friendship (or possible romance), seems to blossom between them. However, with the bombs closing in on their home, Zeina and Hala must decide whether to flee the city and leave the stubborn Mutaz behind. This wartime film is a surprisingly funny and unique coming-of-age story that nevertheless digs into the trials faced by young people in the face of overwhelming violence and tragedy.


Cast (in alphabetical order)

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12A Classification

moderate threat, violence, language

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"Some of them saw a clip from Wakolda (The German Doctor) on TV recently and really wanted to watch it. So I thought I’d take a chance, not expecting them to watch the whole film but the majority were absolutely gripped. "

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