A Quiet Place: Day One

A Quiet Place: Day One
A Quiet Place: Day One

Film Details




99 minutes


Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy




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The third film in the ‘A Quiet Place’ franchise moves away from the Abbott family to tell the story of how Earth was invaded by the now iconic creatures known as ‘Death Angels’ who will destroy anything in their vicinity that dares to make a sound. Taking us back to day one of the invasion, the film follows Sam and her cat Frodo who witness a meteor shower on the streets of New York City and are soon fighting for their lives amidst the chaos of a frightened populace. With no obvious plan of escape, Sam finds herself teaming up with a mysterious man named Henri who explains that she must be perfectly silent if she is to survive and escape the sprawling metropolis of New York. This horror prequel goes deeper into the mythos around the alien invasion hinted at in the first two films whilst also providing its own unique story of survival and heroism. 


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15 Classification

strong horror, bloody images

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