Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
102 minutes
Animation, Silent
No Dialogue
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In a world inhabited only by animals lives Dog, a lonely canine who spends his days watching TV and eating alone in his New York apartment. One day, fed up of his isolation, he sees an advert for a new, special robot companion and immediately buys it, builds it and turns it on. Dog and Robot immediately grow closer, spending their days dancing, rollerskating and learning together in Central Park, but everything changes after a fateful visit to Coney Island beach. 'Robot Dreams' is a vibrant, dialogue-free feature animation which boasts sophisticated and emotional storytelling about the complexities of friendship and how relationships can evolve.
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A lonely teenage boy receives a malfunctioning robot toy as a birthday present and they soon become best friends.
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After an unfortunate accident, a determined little mouse and a nervous fox find themselves journeying through animal heaven.
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A reflective, dialogue-free animation which sees a man encounter a strange red turtle after becoming stranded on a desert island.
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Action packed Disney animation with a lovable robot and a cool teenage scientist.
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