The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost
The Canterville Ghost

Film Details




89 minutes


Animation, Comedy, Science Fiction and Fantasy




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In this animated adaptation of a short story by famed British writer Oscar Wilde, an American family moves into an English stately home, which is empty because the resident ghost, Sir Simon de Canterville, keeps scaring people away so he can have the whole place to himself. But the eldest daughter, Virginia, is not at all scared of the old-fashioned phantom, and nor are her prankster younger brothers. Unimpressed by her new surroundings, Virginia hatches a plan with Sir Canterville to spook her parents into selling the house – but they won’t budge! Chaos and hilarity follow as a fearful reverend, a hapless ghost catcher, a dashing young duke who lives next door and a mysterious gardener enter the fray. In the end, it is the brave and adventurous Virginia that must help free her new ghostly friend from centuries-old shackles. A delightfully rambunctious tale about friendship and bravery, with mild frights.

Cast (in alphabetical order)

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PG Classification

mild scary scenes, threat, violence, rude humour

Find out more on the BBFC website

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