The Old Oak

The Old Oak
The Old Oak

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113 minutes






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In an ex-mining village in the Northeast of England, one pub remains the sole public gathering spot for the local community: The Old Oak. Its landlord, TJ, does what he can to keep the place going, only too aware of how much his neighbours and customers are also struggling with the feeling of old values disappearing and the plummeting value of properties. It is in this already fraught environment that a group of Syrian refugees arrive, placed in the cheap housing, much to the resentment of some of the locals. But TJ strikes up a friendship with Yara, a young woman who developed an interest in photography before escaping the warzone in her home country. As tensions rise, the pair try and find a way for the two communities to understand each other and reconnect with hope, humanity, and compassion.


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15 Classification

very strong language, racism theme

Find out more on the BBFC website

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