Double Bill: The Snail and the Whale & Stick Man

Double Bill: The Snail and the Whale & Stick Man
Double Bill: The Snail and the Whale & Stick Man

Film Details




52 minutes


Animation, Family, Short Films




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The Snail and the Whale (2019, 25 mins)

Snail is looking for adventure, keen to see the big wide world. She decides to try and hitch a lift by writing a message in the sand. To her amazement, a gigantic humpback whale answers her call and invites Snail to join him on his adventure. Together they travel great distances to see incredible sights: caves, jungles, the deep dark ocean and all the creatures – great and small – which dwell within it. Along the way, both Snail and Whale learn lots about themselves, each other and the world around them.

Stick Man (2015, 27 mins)

Stick Man, his wife and their children live together in their family tree. One day he heads out for a jog, not realising how adventurous his day is set to be! Picked up by a little boy, caught by a dog and thrown into a river, Stick Man is carried further and further from his home until he meets none other than Santa Claus who attempts to help him get back home in time for Christmas.

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U Classification

very mild threat

Find out more on the BBFC website

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