A Crack in the Mountain

A Crack in the Mountain
A Crack in the Mountain

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100 minutes




English / Vietnamese (English subtitles)


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Hang Son Doong in central Vietnam's Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park is widely considered to be the world’s biggest cave. Breathtaking in its beauty, the cave was discovered 31 years ago but not explored properly until 2009, which suddenly brought an influx of attention, tourism, and economic improvement to the town of Phong Nha. This newfound sense of geographical importance sees developers, caving experts, tourists and environmentalists all making declarations on how the majesty of Hang Son Doong should be handled, from a state-of-the-art cable car to a halting of any tourism whatsoever. At the center of all this are the town locals who, after a lifetime of poverty, are struggling to decide what their future should look like. This visually impactful documentary is a vital look into how ancient geographical beauty can clash with modern economics and raises ethical questions around development, tourism and protecting the environment. 


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12A Classification

moderate violence, injury detail, brief drug misuse

Find out more on the BBFC website

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