What's Love Got To Do With It

What's Love Got To Do With It
What's Love Got To Do With It

Film Details




109 minutes


Comedy, Romance


English / Urdu (English subtitles)


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Zoe is great at making documentaries, but not so great at making romantic relationships work. Whether it’s because her mother nags her or because she’s too picky, she can’t seem to find ‘the one’. Meanwhile her childhood friend Kas, whose family lived next door to hers, is taking a different approach: under pressure from his own parents, whose arranged marriage worked out perfectly well after all, he is entrusting a witty matchmaker with finding him a wife. Sceptical yet intrigued, Zoe decides to make a documentary about Kas’ journey towards marital bliss, following him to Pakistan to meet his bride-to-be. But their friendship is heavily tested by their differing views on love and marriage, as they try and look out for one another while drama bubbles up all around them. A romantic comedy that promotes cultural understanding and celebrates family, friendship, and love in all its forms.


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12 Classification

infrequent strong language, moderate sex references, drug references

Find out more on the BBFC website

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