Into Film Clubs
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97 minutes
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Filmmaker Werner Herzog and geoscientist Clive Oppenheimer set out on a globetrotting expedition to document the massive impact that asteroids have had on human civilisation. From the indigenous tribes of Mexico and Australia to the very center of Mecca in Saudi Arabia and beyond, we are shown the religious, cultural and physical influence that asteroids have had during Earth’s existence. Alongside both professional and amateur scientists, Herzog builds an accessible and fascinating case for the significance of asteroids in our past, present and especially our future.
IMAX documentary charting the efforts of scientists who help prevent giant asteroids from hitting planet Earth.
When legendary director Werner Herzog journeys to Antarctica, the people he meets there are just as fascinating as the wildlife.
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Abandoned survivor story set in space, based on a best-selling novel.
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Heartening drama based on the true story of three African American women who rose through the ranks of NASA during the Civil Rights era.
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