Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
29 minutes
Animation, Comedy, Family, Short Films
’S e sàr fhilm beò-dheilbh èibhinn a tha seo leis an stiùideo bheò-dheilbh Bhreatannach Aardman Animations anns am faic sinn fear laghach a tha fìor mheasail air càise, Wallace, is a chù dìleas, Gromit. ’S e co-là-breith Gromit a th’ ann is tha e air ‘Briogais Techno’ a dhèanamh mar thiodhlac don innleachdair àraid, Wallace – briogais a bheir e a-mach air chuairt nuair a bhios Wallace ro thrang. Fhad ’s a tha Gromit a’ feuchainn na briogais, tha Wallace a’ toirt seachad seòmar air màl do Cheann-fionn annasach ris an canar Feathers McGraw. Is beag fios a th’ aig Wallace gur e eucoireach carach a th’ ann am Feathers is gu bheil plana na inntinn a chuireas an càirdeas dlùth eadar Wallace is Gromit ann an cunnart.
Coimhead air Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers air Into Film+ far am faic thu Animated Putty, film goirid bho 1911 san tasglann a tha na eisimpleir thràth de dh'fhilm deilbh-beò stad-gluasad a chuir criadh gu feum airson diofar chumaidhean iongantach a dhealbhadh.'
Stream on Into Film+
The much loved farmyard creature from Aardman animation finally gets a big screen adventure of his own.
Much-loved stop-motion animation from Aardman where a dreaded Were-Rabbit puts the duo's chances at a vegetable competition at risk.
Stream on Into Film+ Premium
When the chickens learn they are all to be made into pies they hatch an escape plan.
Stream on Into Film+
Aardman animation adventure set at the dawn of time, when prehistoric creatures and woolly mammoths ruled the earth.
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