Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
148 minutes
Action and Adventure, Science Fiction and Fantasy
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In the last instalment, Spider-man’s identity was revealed for the first time ever. With his reputation now on the line and his life more complicated than ever, Peter Parker seeks the help of Dr. Strange in the hope he can help restore his identity with a magical solution. Unfortunately, their attempts go wrong and they accidently break open the multiverse, the world of alternative realities. Supervillains who had previously fought Spider-man return to finally seek vengeance and Peter must gather all his strength if he is to save the world from what could be a catastrophic ending. This fast-paced sequel will undoubtedly thrill Spider-man fans and newcomers to the Marvel universe.
Low-budget, sci-fi tale which uses the 'found footage' sub-genre to tell a story about three American teenagers developing superpowers.
Following on from the events of Avengers: Endgame, the young superhero Spider-Man must take on new responsibilities during a class trip to Europe.
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Dizzying animation in which numerous Spider-Man incarnations from different dimensions team up to defeat villain Kingpin.
Captain America and Iron Man find themselves going head-to-head when a political initiative threatens to impose limits on The Avengers' power.
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