Into Film Clubs
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81 minutes
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An environmentally conscious film that traverses the globe, visiting a variety of countries and people who are being negatively affected by worldwide eating habits. Proposing that we have ten years to change the way we consume our food and drink, this purposeful and well-researched documentary visits the Taiwanese mountains, the Mongolian desert, the Norwegian fjords and the Scottish Highlands in the hope of informing the audience on the various actions that can be taken in order to avoid complete environmental collapse. Narrated by Kate Winslet and featuring internationally renowned activists and scientists, ‘Eating Our Way to Extinction’ is a film that has the potential to inspire action and debate amongst young audiences.
images of real dead bodies, distressing scenes, bleeped strong language
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Documentary about a married couple who follow their dream of creating a sustainable farm over eight years.
Environmental documentary from a filmmaker attempting to find existing solutions to the climate crisis to provide a better world for his daughter.
A breath-taking documentary that takes a look at climate change through stunning time-lapses of glaciers from Greenland to Alaska.
Documentary about the phenomenon of coral bleaching and its devastating impact around the world as a result of climate change.
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