Into Film Clubs
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141 minutes
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Directed by Edgar Wright, this documentary dives into the world of Sparks, an American pop band formed by brothers Ron and Russell Mael. Unique and eccentric, the duo is known for their elusiveness and refusal to be categorised. The documentary spans Sparks’ career while also retaining a sense of mystery around the pair and their off-beat humour. Equally about the band’s dedicated fan base, the film includes an array of interviews with famous admirers such as Flea and Beck. This amusing documentary celebrates art and can be used to begin a conversation about the music industry and the way it has changed over time.
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Documentary about the life and work of celebrated fashion designer Alexander McQueen.
Documentary about Sonita, a young Afghan rapper determined to make her voice heard in spite of the repressive society she criticises in her lyrics.
Archive footage is used to tell the life and career of iconic soul singer Amy Winehouse.
Documentary exploring the story behind eccentric and revered rock band X Japan, chronicling their success, devoted fan base and tragic history.
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