Into Film Clubs
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89 minutes
Cantonese / English / Spanish (English subtitles)
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Chile is one of the richest countries in Latin America, but it contains huge inequality, with the working classes seeing little of the wealth; even water is privatised. 23-year-old Rayen is one of many young activists in the country protesting against the conditions put in place by the state. In Uganda, 22-year-old Hilda seeks to inform and educate nearby communities about climate change after witnessing, first-hand, the negative impact it can have on livelihoods through floods, droughts and storms. Finally, in Hong Kong, ‘Pepper’ – a pseudonym – also 22, protests against the Chinese authorities in the aftermath of the Umbrella Movement. The three stories are intertwined to explore modern-day accounts of youth activism tackling social justice, climate change and democracy in different settings but whose protagonists share common goals. ‘Dear Future Children’ is an energetic documentary which highlights democracy in action around the world and seeks to inspire the next generation of activists.
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Intimate documentary following the influential environmental activist Greta Thunberg and her quest to prevent climate change.
The story of how the people of Chile attempted to oust dictator General Pinochet from power in the late 1980s.
Members of the Paris branch of activist organisation ACT-UP demand action from the government and pharmaceutical companies amid the AIDS crisis.
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Documentary examining the events surrounding the 2003 Iraq war and the enormous global protest it provoked.
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