Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
85 minutes
Animation, Family
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Based on the popular German fairy-tale Little Peter’s Journey to the Moon, this animated adventure follows the young Pete and his little sister Anne’s journey across the Milky Way. One evening, Anne encounters a tiny elder beetle named Mr. Zoomzeman who seeks her help in finding his wife and his birch tree but in helping him, Anne finds herself kidnapped by the evil Moon Man. The only way for Pete to rescue his little sister is by travelling to the moon with the help of Mr Zoomzeman and the sleepy Mr. Sandman he meets along the way. Together they race to the moon against of nature in the hope of making it back home safely. This enjoyable tale is intriguing for young audiences and includes nods to other folk stories.
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An ambitious explorer discovers a talkative, lonely creature, beginning an adventure that takes them to a mythical land.
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This magical fantasy is the oldest surviving animation film in the world, telling an Arabian Nights-style story using a stunning silhouette style.
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Colourful comedy adventure about a tribe of aliens in search of a new place to live.
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Animated, magical retelling of the children's classic about a boy who lives in Neverland and never grew up.
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