The Witches

The Witches
The Witches

Film Details




105 minutes


Action and Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction and Fantasy




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Based on the celebrated novel by Roald Dahl, The Witches is an adventurous, and ever so slightly creepy, story for children and adults alike. Set in 1968 and taking place in the American south, a young boy goes to live with his loving grandma after his parents pass away. After an encounter with a suspicious woman, his grandma informs him that witches are, in fact, real, dangerous and have the ability to sniff out children. Whilst teaching him how to spot and distinguish a witch from a normal person, the duo escape to an old hotel for safety but soon discover that the Grand High Witch is in town and has a dastardly plan to turn all the children in the world into mice. Funny, spooky and fast-paced, The Witches is a memorable and engrossing story with a core message that everything may not be exactly how it seems.


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PG Classification

mild threat, scary scenes, language

Find out more on the BBFC website

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