Into Film Clubs
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96 minutes
Drama, Family
Danish (English subtitles)
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Emma is the youngest member of a family of four and, now almost a teenager, she is going through the process of growing up. Her journey is further complicated when her father begins to openly live as a transgender woman and her parents’ relationship begins to disintegrate. Unlike her older sister, who reacts positively to the news, Emma’s world is turned upside down as she tries to navigate all the changes and the toll it takes on her relationship with her parents, especially adapting to her father’s new presentation in the world. This Danish drama depicts Emma’s perspective while the narrative also treats the adult characters with sensitivity. This can be a valuable film to open discussions about adjusting to life changes and the experiences of transgender people and their families.
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Big-hearted road-trip comedy about a seven-year-old from a dysfunctional family who dreams of winning a beauty pageant.
A girl from Norwich is offered wrestling try-outs with the WWE but must leave her family behind if she is to follow her dream.
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A beautifully understated, naturalistic drama about childhood gender identity confusion that’s both touching and gently humorous.
Heartwarming Japanese drama about two separated brothers who hatch a complex plan to get their wishes granted and reunite their family.
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