Eternal Beauty

Eternal Beauty
Eternal Beauty

Film Details




94 minutes


Comedy, Drama




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Jane is a middle-aged woman who suffers from severe schizophrenia, seemingly triggered by being left at the altar on her wedding day during her twenties. Flashbacks also reveal the abusive childhood she endured at the hands of her mother, who constantly dismisses and discourages her in favour of one of Jane’s sisters. In the present day, Jane’s behaviour is often eccentric, erratic and sometimes even dangerous – she gets into a minor car accident with her nephew, for instance, and tells her sister that her husband is having an affair – as well as hearing voices and seeing spiders on the walls. But when a new man enters her life, her family really begin to worry for Jane. Based on director Craig Roberts’ experiences of dealing with schizophrenia in his own family, ‘Eternal Beauty’ is an affectionate and darkly comic exploration of mental illness and the affect it can have.

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15 Classification

strong language, mental illness theme, suicide references

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