Into Film Clubs
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103 minutes
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Based on the best-selling and highly influential book of the same name written by French economist Thomas Pikkety, this broad but incredibly accessible documentary aims to explain the history and intricacies of the capitalist system and what it means for the future of society. Travelling through time, from the French Revolution to the Wall Street crash, the film aims to focus on the ways in which people accumulate wealth and power and how capitalism, in its current form, favours the rich and powerful. With some of the world’s leading experts on the subject and influential figures relaying their thoughts and a number of pop culture references scattered throughout, 'Capital in the Twenty-First Century' asks the question whether capitalism will be our savior or our downfall.
references to slavery, moderate sex references, images of real dead bodies
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This shocking documentary examines the Enron scandal of the last decade- one of the most notorious cases of corporate greed and corruption ever.
Documentary exploring the phenomenon of financial ‘bubbles’, and how the 2008 economic crash formed part of this trend.
A destitute Korean household devise a complex plan that finds them infiltrating a more wealthy and influential family.
This Michael Moore documentary examines the impact of corporate dominance on the everyday lives of Americans (and by default, the rest of the world).
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