Into Film Clubs
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94 minutes
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Directed by sound editor Midge Costin, who has worked on several Hollywood blockbusters, this documentary tracks the history of sound in cinema and its crucial role in storytelling. From the earliest uses of sound in film and the first technological inventions, to the gradual change from analog to digital sound, the documentary explores how filmmakers utilise sound to bring audiences closer into a film’s world and its characters, creating an emotional connection between the viewer and the narrative. Featuring interviews with some of Hollywood’s biggest names – Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Barbara Streisand – as well as the film editors that played a key role in advancing the possibilities of sound in film, this documentary highlights the importance of collaboration in the filmmaking process and the invaluable role of those behind the screen. The film also explores social issues such as gender inequality in sound editing, spotlighting the experiences and achievements of women in sound design.
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Influential sci-fi in which a programmer is recruited by a crew of enigmatic rebels who reveal that the world in which he lives isn't reality.
The conflict in Vietnam provides the backdrop for one of the best and most visceral war movies of all-time.
Ingenious and heartfelt homage to silent era cinema.
Acclaimed, atmospheric exploration of the Italian horror genre through the eyes of an unassuming sound engineer.
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