Into Film Clubs
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74 minutes
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Following the success of March of the Penguins, this documentary sequel charts the journey of a young emperor penguin as his father teaches him how to endure the vast and unpredictable Antarctic landscape. Searching for a new home, this inexperienced animal will find a mating partner, form a family and fight for survival. Once again with narration from Morgan Freeman, this film contains stunning cinematography of one of earth’s most uninhabitable places and a narrative that is equal parts absorbing and moving.
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Documentary capturing the remarkable journey the Emperor penguins of the South Antarctic make every winter.
Oscar-nominated nature documentary that follows the paths of migrating birds from all over the globe.
Action-packed animated adventure seen through the eyes of a ladybird caught between two warring ant armies.
Absorbing documentary about the pressure global warming puts on the arctics inhabitants' daily fight for survival.
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