Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
96 minutes
English / Spanish (English subtitles)
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This thoughtful documentary depicts the little-known true story of Scottish workers of a Rolls Royce factory who stood in solidarity with Chilean citizens and against Pinochet’s dictatorship. In 1974 they showed their support by refusing to carry out repairs on the engines of Hawker Hunter planes, which made up of almost half of Chile’s Air Force. This boycott lasted for four years but the group did not become aware of the impact they had until later on. The film’s director, the son of a Chilean exile himself, finds some of the individuals that took part in the profound act of allyship. This heartening documentary delves into Pinochet’s fifteen years in power while also being an important piece of evidence of what seemingly small acts of solidarity can have on an international level.
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Uplifting comedy about an unlikely moment in recent British history when, in 1984, gay rights activists offered to support the striking miners.
The story of how the people of Chile attempted to oust dictator General Pinochet from power in the late 1980s.
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Documentary examining the events surrounding the 2003 Iraq war and the enormous global protest it provoked.
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