Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
108 minutes
Based on a true story, Period and Historical
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Americans Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse were two of the greatest inventors of the industrial age. In the 1880s, they would put forward competing electric systems which would become known as the ‘war of the currents’, a battle of science and business to determine which would power the modern world. Backed by J.P. Morgan, Edison ends up lighting the whole of Manhattan. However, Westinghouse has a powerful ally of his own in Nikola Tesla, who believes he has found serious flaws in Edison’s design, proposing their own alternative. ‘The Current War’ is an educational insight into some of the most influential individuals of the time period, and a pivotal moment in scientific advancement.
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Benedict Cumberbatch stars as pioneering mathematician and codebreaker Alan Turing, who was highly influential, but persecuted for being gay.
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The story of the man behind the theory of evolution and how his greatest work was written against a backdrop of tragedy.
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Moving biopic of the renowned British scientist Stephen Hawking, from his student days in Cambridge to the present.
Ingenious, twisty and atmospheric thriller about two Victorian magicians which will have you scratching your head long after the credits roll.
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