We the Animals

We the Animals
We the Animals

Film Details




93 minutes


Coming of Age, Drama




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Three brothers in a mixed-race family living in upstate New York roam through their rural environment, looking to do whatever they can to avoid the turbulence that awaits them at home. Manny, Joel and Jonah are similar ages and stick closely together through good times and bad, as their parents’ domestic abuse and volatility permeates their childhood. The boys begin to act out as a result, with small acts of rebellion such as shoplifting and harassing strangers in the street. These formative memories and experiences are drawn by Jonah in dreamlike animated sequences, who begins to form a friendship with a nearby boy which brings out strange feelings in him. Based on the novel of the same name, ‘We the Animals’ is a visual-led piece of storytelling exploring themes around family, growing up and sexuality.

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15 Classification

Strong language, sex, nudity, drug misuse, references to domestic violence.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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