Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
181 minutes
Action and Adventure, Science Fiction and Fantasy
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Following the tragic events of Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos has wiped out over half of all life in the Universe. Iron Man is adrift in space and running out of time whilst Captain America, Thor and the rest of the Avengers are recovering and figuring out their next steps back on earth. The wounded superhero team must now band together to rescue Tony, find a way to defeat Thanos and retrieve the Infinity Gauntlet in this epic culmination of a decade-long story told over 22 films. Expect explosive action, fantasy and a lot of surprises in this expansive and ambitious entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The smash-hit mutant saga continues, as Wolverine is sent back to the 1970s and must unite Magneto and Xavier to prevent a future apocalypse.
Marvel’s superheroes must band together to defeat Thanos before he collects all six Infinity Stones and destroys the universe.
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Mr Incredible and Elastigirl are forced to give up their superhero lives and settle down with their family, but as danger looms, old habits die hard.
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T’Challa returns to his home of Wakanda to inherit the throne but soon finds himself having to defend it from a soldier with a mysterious past.
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