

Film Details




98 minutes


Action and Adventure, Animation, Family


Japanese (English subtitles)


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Kun is a normal, happy boy, but when a new baby sister arrives on the scene he finds himself fighting for the attention of his parents, with mum juggling work and looking after the baby, and dad taking care of things at home. One day, feeling lonely, Kun makes a magical discovery that allows him to travel backwards and forwards in time and meet past and future generations of his family, including his late grandfather, and the grown-up version of Mirai, his sister. These experiences gradually allow him to look at the world from a fresh perspective and gain a deeper understanding of other people. This beautiful Japanese animation explores themes around family, transition and tolerance, with warmth, humour and perceptive insight into the universal experiences of young people.

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PG Classification

mild threat, scary scenes

Find out more on the BBFC website

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- Marlon Perkins, Teacher, Whitstable and Seasalter Endowed CofE Junior School, Kent